Monday 19 April 2010

Still Here

So, life has been pretty busy in the last weeks, and I just haven't felt like stopping to reflect in writing.  But, we've been to Italy on holiday, been refreshed by time there with my two best friends and their husbands, and now we're winding down to the last week of term next week, which on our campus, is always invigorating in a sun's-peeking-out, let's-play-frisbee-on-the-lawn, excited-for-graduands kind of way.
In front of the Colosseum

A picture of Mommy by Little Man

Me and my 2 BFFs
I've been reflecting on how a person can become so weary that it shows in their daily appearance.  I didn't realise that had happened to me, until I came back from Italy.  Since returning, I have had almost a dozen people exclaim over how much better I look!  Now, I admit that I was tired before our holiday.  And I know that I got a little cheerful colour on my face whilst under the Tuscan sun.  And I'm happy that people are happy for me that I got some rest.  But after about the 5th person who says, "You look so much better!", I begin to wonder, did I really look that bad before??!!!

I don't take myself seriously enough to be offended by those comments, but it has caused me to stop and think.  Apparently, we can become so used to exhaustion that we don't even register its effects on our own bodies, but those who love us notice and worry.  Surely it can't be a good thing to be so disconnected from one's own appearance and general health.  I've known since I was 14 that I carry stress in my neck and shoulders.  But now that I know I carry it in my face, too, I'm asking God to help me be gentler to myself.

On a lighter note, Little Man came home from school today with a drawing on his forehead.  He and his Best Mate had decorated each other.  Here's the interesting bit: Best Mate drew a cross on Little Man and Little Man drew a PowerRanger on Best Mate.  I'm choosing to believe their choices of drawings were reflections of what they know about each other.  :D