Sunday, 9 May 2010

New Life

I had an amazing privilege this week.  One of our MA students here at NTC is a woman from Swaziland.  She left behind 2 toddlers and her husband to travel 6,000 miles to begin her journey toward a PhD.  A couple of months after arriving in Manchester last Autumn, she discovered she was pregnant.  Can you imagine what her year has been like??!!!  I might just have packed up and gone home, but Momma is some kinda strong, let me tell you!  Well, we've tried to do all we can through the year to support her, most of us fretting over her, while she remained serene and calm, and completely trusting in God's plans and timing.  It's been humbling to say the least.

And this week, Baby Girl arrived.  She was born at 5:05 p.m. on the 5th of the 5th month (truth IS stranger than fiction!).  She is beautiful, peaceful (hardly cries at all), and, are you ready for this?  I was there when she was born!!!!  Momma asked me to be one of her birth partners, along with one of her roommates.  I was so thrilled to be with her, literally holding her in my arms as she pushed the baby out.  I am so in awe of her childbirthing ability--Momma could give lessons, let me tell you!!  I've been so blessed by the experience, and thank God for the gift.

Though he's not too impressed that Baby Girl can't even play with toys, Little Man thinks we need a baby of our own.  Ahem.  :)  The morning after Baby Girl was born, Big Man and I were getting dressed, when we realised Little Man had been very, very quiet downstairs for a long time, which usually means trouble.  It usually means he's gotten into the kitchen cupboard and found the candy.  :)  We called him upstairs (rather too sternly, as it turned out), and he came in with something hidden behind his back.  According to the pattern of previous behaviour, it should have been the illicit candy.  Instead, it was a construction paper card, made with love for Baby Girl.  We melted.

A sweet-smelling newborn, an endearing son, and a fiercely strong, new Momma - these are the gifts of my week.