Tuesday 10 November 2009

As Promised...

Sometimes, my burden of long hours of reading is lightened by a gem.  This particular chuckle comes from the Late Period of Akkadian literature, meaning this  incantation is as much as 3,000 years old.  And yet, somehow its age has not stripped the 'giggle factor'.
Against Flatulence
Wind, O wind!
Wind, you are the fire of the gods.
You are the wind between the turd and urine.
You have come out and taken your place
Among the gods, your brethren.
Benjamin Foster, who includes this in his anthology Before the Muses, calls it "one of the few apotheoses of flatulence in world literature."  Indeed.  Certainly a different perspective than ours, to ascribe deity to, ahem, gas.  Well, I hope this adolescent divergence from my usual ramblings has given you a reason to smile, if you needed one.  And the next time you're feeling a little bloated, just think of it as "the fire of the gods"!  :D

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